8/17/2020 an immigration attorney's review of netflix's new documentary "immigration nation"Read NowNetflix's latest documentary "Immigration Nation" is a lesson to all of us about how far we have fallen as a nation when it comes to welcoming the tired, poor and huddled masses. Instead, we have become a nation that puts deadly roadblocks in the path the most desperate seeking a better life for themselves and their families.
As an attorney, it reminds me why I chose to enter the practice of immigration law ten years ago. Our nation was built by immigrants and it is in immigrants where our ultimate identity lies. The great part about Immigration Nation is that it shows the perspective from all sides: from ICE's policymaking decisions as an organization to that of individual ICE officers to the immigrants themselves whose lives are being torn apart by our nation's immoral and inhumane immigration policies. The show starts off with a bang as the filmmakers were given inside access to multiple ICE raids which took place across the country in 2018. I remember yelling inside my mind really loudly "DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!!! DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!!!!" Sadly, the immigrants who were arrested during filming did in fact open their door despite the fact that ICE never showed them a valid warrant signed by a federal judge, which is what is required when ICE conducts home raids and doesn't have the permission of the individual whose home is being raided. This show also showed me something which I already knew, within ICE there are a lot of really good officers who truly have compassion upon the immigrants they are interacting with and there are a lot of bad officers who want nothing more in life to rid this country of any person living here illegally, regardless of their personal character or contribution to our nation. Where the show truly soars though is in episode 1 where it shows how ICE's family separation policy impacts those families against whom the policy targets. You see these families, you hear their story and can't believe what you are seeing. It's tragic - children spending months away from their parents in prisons which double as foster homes. This documentary shows the dark side of our nation - what happens when nationalistic self-interest prevails over compassion. If you happen to have six hours of free time on your hands, you can't go wrong with choosing to spend your time watching this show. It will open your eyes...and make you want to scream and pull all your hair out.
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AuthorChris lives in Alexandria, Louisiana where he enjoys playing with his girls and being the best husband he can possibly be. Archives
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